An early Christmas present! My dad wrote the post I meant to! 🙂 Here’s a link to some ideas for Christmas movies and reading.
The Christmas stories of Connie Willis & her favorite Christmas movies
Connie Willis is a new find for me, so I look forward to reading her things and following the movie suggestions at the end of her Christmas book. She may not be Lutheran, but she appears to be a very talented Christian.
My parents have very much enjoyed reading her Miracle and other Christmas Stories. They have recommended it to me, and I’m especially happy to learn about additional Christmas movies. (Why, oh why, isn’t Holiday Inn on Netflix streaming? It’s been so long I’m forgetting its songs!) Movies just make such a smooth multi-generational: conducive to both relaxation and conversation, and well situating for good eats and drinks! What’s not to love?
Call me crazy, but home movie time also helps stretch Christmas out over all its 12 days. Any other suggestions for that? The kiddos will be in school before Christmastide is over . . . hmm. Maybe something for Twelfth night? 🙂 Celebrating that with entertainment has been a tradition since Shakespeare!
I’ll close with a link to Connie Willis’s Miracle and other Christmas Stories and continue to wish you a blessed Advent.