Want to know what makes a great Reformation confession? A new catechism translation! Now, I know, I know, too many word changes messes up memory work and causes unnecessary confusion. I hear you. I agree. BUT yay, yay, yay for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England for presenting the world with a Small Catechism available for free use!
The text is on a website, thesmallcatechism.org. You have to click around a bit, but I haven’t noticed any particularly funny or odd language. It uses ESV as its Bible translation, which I think is nice, lining up with a lot of religious material right now.
I’ve mentioned before that copyright can be a tricky issue (and, personally, I’m not a naysayer against CPH just because they copyright their translation). The copyright information for this is that this translation is by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England (2016), distributed under Creative Commons Licence CC BY-SA 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International). Whatever that means. 🙂
Thank you, Lutheran brothers and sisters of England!! May your gift bless, and bring blessing to, many!
Edited to add: CPH does have a similar website and you can access their translated free on Alexa.