Sometimes, instead of google, I’d like my old hometown library within reach. I knew those sections so well, I’d be able to walk through and scoop up tons of books for me and my kids now. Instead, I’m often left googling and Ama-zoning without resolution. For example, there was this kids’ book I really liked. There was a boy, a telepathic-to-him dragon (?), a weird bathing in blood that caused the telepathic link/ special connection, and I seem to recall some random reference to a human skin map on the wall of some dodgy place. This is not google-friendly language. I think it was a three part series but don’t really have any idea.
Yes, you can think I’m crazy to be thinking about this series–and those descriptions!–for my daughter, but . . . wouldn’t it be nice to have your childhood library stay the same and stay just as well-known to you? Wouldn’t it be nice to recognize book covers in addition to book titles?
Nowadays there are SO MANY similar titles!
Oh, books. I love you. But you aren’t always easy to find.