There’s another Amazon (print) book deal going on: get $5 off any $15 printed book purchased on–and from–Amazon. Make sure your book(s) sell and ship from Amazon and use the coupon code BOOKGIFT17 at checkout.* Valid through December 14, 2017. In other news, here are the names of some old Lutheran novels I’ve recently discovered.
First, two worlds collided: Esteemed author Sarah Baughman asked me if I’d uncovered any more Lutheran historical fiction writers, and then a Facebook discussion points me to Gustav Harders, a WELS gentlemen, who published two historical fiction novels in the 1950s! Therefore, I happily call your attention to these two out-of-print historical fiction works, which are set among the Apaches during the sad time in USA history when tribe were practically forced to ship their kids to boarding schools.
Sounds fascinating!!
And, Yaalahn was in our find from our church library! 🙂 Yay! Other old Lutheran novels from the hidden depths of our church library are listed below, from earliest copyright to most current. (I’m presuming they’re Lutheran because they are all published by Concordia Publishing House or Northwestern, but I probably won’t add the authors to my Lutheran Author page because I don’t know how to verify whether any of these folks are still living.)
- Rex Amoris (The King of Love): A Romance of the Time of Christ by G. L. Wind, St. Louis: CPH, 1928.
- Trials and Trails by H. A. Schroeder, St. Louis: CPH, 1933.
- My Vineyard by Dorothy Hoyer Scharlemann, St. Louis: CPH, 1946.
- Yaalahn: Til We Meet Again; The Quest for Faith of an Indian Maiden and Her Lover by Gustav Harders, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1953.
- Time & the Rivers by Florence Kerigan, St. Louis: CPH, 1960.
Happy reading and writing, folks, and please let me know if you find any old Lutheran novels in your own church or family libraries. 🙂 Wouldn’t it be neat to have a list of those books, too!
PS. LCMS Pastor Christopher Matthis has kindly offered a copy of his latest book, In the Shadow of the Cross: Sermons for Lent and Holy Week, for a Christmas giveaway through this blog. Woo hoo! To enter this giveaway, comment on this linked post for a chance to win the copy. Only those with USA or USA military addresses are eligible.
How cool, Mary! I also have a couple 1920s novels from my grandma that CPH put out, one called Natalie and the other called The Land of Sunny Days; both are authored by G.L. Wind. So fun to discover all these!