
I’ve been trying to streamline a lot of areas in my life. You know: toys, attic, computer files, etc. I’ve gotten a good start on it, although I see why decluttering is a lifestyle rather than a two-week chore. Still, what surprised me is just how overloaded I got in the process. Not with what I was downsizing, not even with how behind in things I was. I was just visually OVERLOADED. So, I actually tried something new with my Bible reading at night . . .

and took this pretty thing off my shelf. It was a Christmas gift.

I’m not one who journals in her Bible. I’m not one who takes notes in it. I don’t even underline or highlight. (Although I do still sometimes puzzle through the markings from my confirmation-era Bible!) I wasn’t quite sure why I got a journaling Bible.

I’m someone who checks for translation differences, corresponding parallels, etc. I’m someone who owns, and compares, study notes from both The Lutheran Study Bible (ESV) and its predecessor the Concordia Self-Study Bible (NIV). I’m a fan of concordances, the Greek, the Vulgate, and Septuagint!

All that is to say I’ve been raised to be a big ol’ Bible nerd, if not a downright theological fighter. Seriously.

But you know what? Just to try it, I started to read my nightly Scripture from the ESV Illuminated Bible. It’s pretty. It’s classy. AND IT’S JUST THE BIBLICAL TEXT! Look through the pictures on Amazon. There is WHITE SPACE and GOD’S WORD with occasional decorations to the glory of God.

I will keep, and continue to buy, whatever Lutheran study Bibles come on the market. I will use them. I will give them as gifts. I will point them out to people and recommend, etc.

Still, it’s been a surprising gift to read only the text. Sometimes I actually, gasp, ask my husband a question out loud instead of seeking more ink to read!

Just something to think about. 🙂 Wishing you decluttered thoughts and unfettered access to the holy Scriptures, illuminated by the Holy Spirit!

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