I seemed to be thinking in long circles these days, coming back around to thoughts I’ve had before and just maybe are good for me to have again. 🙂 That’s something, at least. I’m also hurrying to finish up my last book on a local January-through-April library challenge. The book? Called to Defend: An Apologetics Handbook for Middle School Students! I hope to review it next week. Meanwhile today I’ll mention a Mother’s Day devotional of my own, Dear Mother: Devotions for New Mothers.
Ahem, this one would not probably work in a retirement home environment. 😉 It consists of 19 devotional letters, Christian reflections really, in a pocket booklet size you can slip into a purse or a card. Like a Mother’s Day card!
Personally, I mostly associate Mother’s Day with making my mom her favorite recipe of chicken enchiladas with guacamole. But I also think about those who are just realizing they are mothers. Sometimes expecting mothers are left out, when really I wish they could have a holiday all their own!
If you know an expecting mother, I think Mother’s Day is an excellent day to honor her and the child in her womb. There’s simply so much to wonder about. And not always a lot of time to consider things later.
The “new mothers” I wrote for include pregnant, nursing, weaning, preschool, and, um, well, the still-not-feeling-like-an-expert moms! 😀 Because, you know what? We need the Gospel! We need Jesus! And, we need to hear the basic truths that we are not alone, we are not in control, and we are not responsible for the universe!
Thank You, Jesus, for being the Savior so I don’t have to be. Thank You, Jesus, for being the Wisdom I don’t have to be. You, O Lord, are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the root, tree, stem, and sun that produce and ripen my spiritual fruit. And, I need that! I need You! Amen.
PS. I know, I know. I don’t mean to overly plug my books, but I also reread the section on the Vocation of Mother from Family Vocation, and that’s help my mothering thoughts lately, too. If you’ve got a copy and you’re a mother with children angling for summer, maybe it can comfort and assure you as well.

Here in my arms
lies Hope
whose present intent
is only to suckle and sleep
but whose fertile brain
is gathering sound and touch
whose eyes
are seeking to focus
beginning to recognize.
Here in my arms
lies Hope
latent discoveries and inventions
seeding from language
words finding meaning
in more than pitch and tone.
Nestled here
may Hope flourish
and outgrow my nurturing arms.
–Rhonda Brown
a poem I wrote a few years back, thinking of the young moms I was mentoring through MOPS. Offering it for encouragement.
Ahhh, thank you for sharing!