I keep meaning to ask: if you were to dream about Lutheran resources you’d like to see available for free (aka, not full curriculum, but maybe literature guides or unit studies), what would you like to see?
It won’t be a major page on my website, but I thought an easy to view list might be helpful for those hoping to be helpful. Know what I mean? Then, as resources become available, I can add them to my Lutheran Education Resource page—which I’m happy to report is getting a good number of views! Yay!
My initial list would be:
- A Lutheran lit guide for The Pilgrim’s Progress
- A Lutheran lit guide for the simplified version, Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim’s Progress
- A Lutheran lit guide for Mere Christianity (That would be ironic. Still!)
Part of me hopes I can find the time to put together something like a supplemental text to Living Memory with specifically Lutheran content. Maybe that’d be crazy, though. Shrug
Meanwhile, CPH now offers a free downloadable “guide to exploring key Lutheran distinctives with 7th-12th grade students. 25 weeks with Scripture, hymns, discussion” (quoted from Cheryl Swope on the LCMS Homeschoolers facebook page). Go here to download it. (Or just remember, when the time comes, that I’ll have it listed on my educational resource page.)
Happy reading, writing, and ‘rithmeticing! 😉