Child with Special Needs

Wanna know what I love more than free resources? My sister Joanna!! Below the two meet as she gives an interview on Kairos on raising a child with special needs. Plus, there’s a little something under that for Lutheran teaches, of whom, sorry, but just maybe my sister is the best! 😀


God bless her and her family!

Now, want to thank a wonderful Lutheran teacher? Like my sister, whose students absolutely love her?! Go here.

Alas, Joanna Hensley is a teacher at Wilson Hill Academy, an online Christian school for homeschoolers and not a school officially affiliated with the LCMS, but she’s the winner of my heart, no matter how sappy that sounds!

Anyway, homeschoolers, feel free to nominate a teacher from one of the LCMS homeschool schools out there, like Wittenberg Academy. 🙂 Or any of you who love your parochial teachers, give them a chance for one of three $100 visa gift cards! Meanwhile we olders can thank the Lord for the teachers of the past.

Life is good.

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