So much to read and so much to write! How can I find some time? Actually, I think I’m going to keep blogging through this week and then take a week off just to reset my house, head, and put the to do list in order. 🙂 Meanwhile, enjoy another find I’ve had: What Happened to our Churches: A Collection of 26 Blogs About Regaining Spiritual Energy by David S. Luecke.
Dr. Luecke is a retired pastor and professor (with experience teaching at both Fuller Seminary and Valparaiso) with a Ph. D. in Organizational Behavior, who has written four books, and now offers his most recent as a free of charge download! Visit his website to learn more about him and his work.
Here are his earlier titles:
- Your Encounters with the Holy Spirit: Name and Share Them—Seek More (2014)
- How to Spot the Spirit’s Work in Your Life: Seek His Gifts and Fruit (2016)
- How the Spirit Shapes Prayer: Research Findings for Traditional Christians (2017)
- Builder Ministry for the 12st Century (2010)
I think you can notice his passion. 🙂
I’ve had What Happened to our Churches pulled up as a tab on my browser for nearing two weeks now, and have enjoyed what snippets I’ve been able to glean. Interesting stuff to think about.
Here is his description:
Dr. David Luecke’s book addresses how declining mainline churches can regain Spiritual energy and grow again. The only way for a Christian congregation, which is biblically a fellowship of the Holy Spirit, to increase its energy (the time, talents and treasure of its participants) is to pay more attention to how the Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies its participants. This book of short conversation-starter blogs addresses why and how to do that.
Go here to request a copy.
Happy reading & writing! As well as all that other stuff that we do! 😉