Hi! You may have seen that I’m uploading some products to my website. Let me explain this store opening.
While I would love to announce that I’ve done so much in my life that I’m now able to sell all this glorious stuff that I’ve personally come up with . . . :D, but not quite.
I actually do have growing plans to have an online store. You know me. Maybe you could have guessed before I did, but wouldn’t it be great to set up some sort of co-op where Lutheran educators can sell Lutheran educational material? Sort of like Teachers Pay Teachers but on a small scale. I’d LOVE THAT!
I’m not there yet. Although if you’d be interested in such a topic, talk to me! I’d love to help. I just can’t take all that on quite yet.
This store opening is more of a trial run so I can see how such things work.
What will I sell? Mostly out of print books that my folks are downsizing. Now, you might think that means they’re used. Nope. My dad’s just been gifted multiple copies, often because he’s helped to edit a series.
So, the store will be a mix of Veith books and random other culturally-relevant topics to conservative Christians in America. Crossways isn’t a Lutheran publisher, per se, so neither are these books. Still, the issues are good ones. I’m happy to try to sell them and free up a little more bookshelf-space in my folks’ house.
Meanwhile, I’m open to any and all criticism save one. I know I stink at taking pictures. Maybe I’ll retake them in the future <shudder>. Meanwhile I’ll stick with figuring out the financial and website-stuff, ok?
Experimental Moerbe Store here! Or up above with my over-crowded main menu. (Maybe I can address that this summer, too. Dreaming big, folks! ;))
I suppose to make this especially timely, maybe your mother would like one of these books for Mother’s Day! Ha!
Actually, um, seriously she might!