I have a great thing to tell you about today! LutheranLibrary.org. A Lutheran gentlemen set Lutheran Library up “to make available solid and encouraging material to strengthen believers in Christ.”
An Introduction from Lutheran Library
I contacted the organization and had a lovely exchange with Alec. Here’s what he has to say for us:
When Jesus sent out his Apostles, he told them “…Freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matt. 10.8). American Lutherans like Matthias Loy, Simon Peter Long, George Gerberding, Theodore Graebner and many others have done just that. Their words are striking, powerful, and strengthening.
Many Christians can’t purchase expensive books. This is especially true for missionaries and seminaries abroad. And the vast amount of Christian material makes it hard to find the best books.
The Lutheran Library is a collated collection of good Christian books all of which are available for free in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. Many titles are now available in quality paperbacks, with pricing based just above the Amazon minimums.
Lutherans from Canada, the US, Australia, South America, Africa and elsewhere have told us how much they are appreciating the ebooks and paperbacks. We are a resource for anyone, anywhere, in any Synod. We believe:
- Christ is the center of the Bible.
- The Bible is the infallible, inerrant, and preserved Word of God.
- Wherever the Bible is spoken, read or preached, the Holy Spirit is present building faith.
- The Augsburg Confession and the Book of Concord are accurate explanations of Scripture.
There is a real person behind the Lutheran Library. I care deeply for my Christian brothers and sisters, and want to provide them with the tools necessary to teach themselves and others.
What would make me happiest would be for every person reading this to right now download and read a book like Lenski’s Kings and Priests or Long’s The Way Made Plain and discuss it with one other Christian. If they feel shy to discuss it with someone in person, they can always contact me.
(Back to Me)
I love it! I recognize some of the Lutheran names but not many of the titles. That means lots of books to add to my “To Read” List! Yay!
The first one I may try to tackle is Lars Lee. It’s free here in PDF, epub (for Apple or Kobo), and Mobi (for Kindle), or click the link below to buy it in print. “Lars Lee tells the story of a boy’s spiritual awakening in rural Norway in the mid-1800s. This edition contains the sequel A Servant of the Lord.”
I have no idea what I’ll think about it. Will it be on par with Hammer of God? Or is it pietist-friendly? I don’t know, but I’ll let you know whenever I get to it.
Meanwhile, I hope you’ll look through some of the titles to see what you can find. A website full of free Lutheran books, mostly with strong theological topics? What a find! Tell me what you think and if you’d recommend any in particular.
What a resource! I’ll have to figure out how to add it to my free Lutheran resource pages (here and here)! (I’d welcome tips on how to characterize it.)