Ladies & gentlemen, I’ve blogged before about Lutheran Girl Apologetics and Lutheran apologist Dr. Nancy A. Almodovar’s books as they release, and, welp, time to talk again . . . about TWO new releases! 🙂 Yay!
Two books are hot off the presses: Reasons to Reason: Defending the Faith is Good for Christians and They were Eyewitnesses: Defending the Faith like the Ancient Church.
Sure can’t beat those titles or topics! Plus, if you shop through the Lutheran Girl Apologetics Shop right now, you can score 30% off anything in the store with the coupon code: LutheranGirl. (It’s a special deal for this blog, for which I am very grateful!)
Want to join the “Reasons to Reason Book Launch” and go through the benefits of being “prepared to make a defense” (1 Peter 3:15)? Then feel free to join the Facebook live event and hop online Tuesday, August 3rd at 7pm CDT.
I’ve ALSO heard that this good doctor offers Apologetic workshops for churches, Bible studies, and LWML events. You can go here for more details. (Yay!)
One of the things I love about resources like these is that we get to read these books and study these topics not only for ourselves, but to be better aware of what we can recommend to others! What a blessing.
If you want to add either of these new titles to your Amazon wish lists, click the pictures below. Happy reading & writing!