Today I offer you a review of Reasons to Reason: Defending the Faith is Good for Christians by Lutheran author & apologist Nancy A. Almodovar, aka, the founder of Lutheran Girl Apologetics.
Reasons to Reason
Reasons to Reason is a short book, only about 45 pages. It introduces apologetics as not only good when directed outwardly, toward one’s neighbor, but also fundamentally good for Christians themselves. That is a topic well worth exploring—and clearly attested to in Scripture—though anything I would say here would kind of be a spoiler. 🙂
The book is pretty explicitly intended for Lutherans because of a few very pointed sentences. With that in mind, I was surprised that there wasn’t a clear distinction and comparison between catechesis and apologetics. I had hoped for maybe a chapter on the power of God’s Word and the power of sharing or reflecting on that Word, but the book was just too short for that.
Dr. Almodovar spent time both defining and defending apologetics, which was helpful. She obviously thinks the world of the subject material and approach. She is clearly enthusiastic and excited about her field and the One who lays its foundation.
There were a few repetitive bits, though she ended strong in the last portion’s use of Scripture. There were also a few key passages stressed throughout.
I kind of wish I had gotten a list of bullet points at the end to help me remember for later, but I’m glad I read it and I look forward to reading more from this author.
I’m not sure whether the deal is still on, but you can try to get 30% off anything in Dr. Almodovar’s store using the coupon code: LutheranGirl. 🙂