Today’s post is a review of Michael Paulison’s book, Unsafe Faith: Following God into the Unexpected.
Unsafe Faith Review
It seems to me that I’m probably a stodgier person than Pastor Mike. For example, I don’t call pastors by their first name even with a title. And, at one point, I thought that Luther’s Small Catechism explanation to the seventh commandment needed significantly more instruction. But this was a book that moved me to tears and made me pray even more fervently for God’s work in this world and that people would actively pursue good.
Want to learn about Haiti and one organization’s efforts to help the Haitians? Then this is a good place to start. If you’ve thought about pursuing short term missions, again, a good place to start. If you’ve even wondered what the phrase “enveloped with prayer” actually looks like in life, read this book.
It is dreadful and terrifying that corruption remains real and evil persists. Faith has not made us safe from those effects, from betrayal, or from heartbreak. But it is even more humbling to remember that our Lord is active in this world even now providing all we need, for ourselves and others, and for spreading the Gospel around the world.