Do you remember my post last summer about Vanessa Rasanen‘s pirate novel, On These Black Sands? I’m THRILLED to announce the release of her Aislins Sea book 2, From These Dark Depths! My review is below.
From These Dark Depths Review
You know how some books just immediately sink you right back into a world you love? I was within the first ten pages when I thought, with a happy sigh, I love this series. I should reread the first one once I’ve finished this one. 🙂
While the series had me with Declan and his pirate crew, I really enjoyed this second book’s storylines with the fae and sirens! Really fantastic. I thought it built up well, held it’s own, expanded the world and relationships nicely, and THEN set up a third book so well!!!
Really, this was a joy to read. I’m sure to read the whole series again in addition to looking forward to the next installment.
Nicely done, Vanessa Rasanen!