Category Archives: Shared Writing Ideas

The Kingdoms of Israel

This weekend I was able to attend the  22nd Annual Lutheran Lecture Series at Grace Lutheran (Wichita) and heard Rev. Brian Kachelmeier teach about Christ in the Old Testament. It was great and got me thinking. We should have a Bible study on the kingdoms of Israel!

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Filed under As Theological Writers, Bible Studies, Shared Writing Ideas

Daily Bread

My other thought Sunday was about daily bread. Maybe I haven’t mentioned this here yet, but I’m kind of into it. Eating and drinking, yes, cooking and preparing, yes, but also the concept and importance of it as a gift from God. And, it’s daily! That’s significant, yet too often overlooked or underappreciated. Anyway, you know how the Israelites could have no leftovers from the Passover? It’s a demonstration of a day’s bread, built on the promise that God must Himself provide for the future meals!!

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Bible Studies, Shared Writing Ideas, Theological reflection

A Reintroduction

(Blessed Easter Monday! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!)          I’ve had another book idea. It’s kind of basic. So basic, in fact, that I’m surprised it hasn’t been done. It would be a reintroduction to Christianity, suitable to hand to unbelievers, especially those who acknowledge they don’t know much about Jesus.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas, Writer Troubles

Respect and Neighbor

I’ve had a nugget of a thought. Maybe you guys can help me untie the knot a little. It has to do with respect and neighbor.

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Filed under Shared Writing Ideas, Theological reflection


I must have flaked out somewhere, because I posted a link prematurely yesterday. In it Katie Schuermann offers great writing advice! I particularly like her line that no one has time to write a book. So true!!! Anyway, I hope you check out that article here.

Today’s post just asks, “How about a Bible study on the cities of refuge?” Yes, refugees are a serious topic and, yes, the church should address it quickly and effectively. Still, I think a Bible study specifically on the cities of refuge could stir up a lot of questions about unintentional crime and sin, just punishments, etc. I think this, too, would be very timely for discussions within the church, and who has studied it on a Sunday morning?

Our modern concept of refuge and refugees is . . . harder to discuss when comparing with our nomadic fathers of the faith, for instance. And, conflating modern connotations with ancient practices makes for tricky language-work sometimes.

What do you think? Want to tackle the Cities of Refuge? Or do you have any great insights into how a Bible study could address modern notions of refuge and refuges?

In the meantime, love and serve your neighbors, whoever and wherever may they be! 🙂

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas, Writing Tips


Maybe I just don’t have rosy questions in mind when I think of Bible studies. Want to know what I’d like to see? A Bible study on division(s)!

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Filed under Shared Writing Ideas

Shared Idea: Older Fatherhood

With a little regret, I’m going to share a writing idea I’ve had. I’d really like to tackle it myself. I’m just nowhere close to imagining a time I could do so! So, if you’re interested in a rarer format, single-person narrative delving into older fatherhood and a son’s sacrifice, here you go.

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Filed under As Theological Writers, My projects, Shared Writing Ideas

Conquest of Canaan

Maybe I’m on a kick, thinking up ideas for Old Testament Bible studies. Anyway, I think one should be done on the Conquest of Canaan.

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Filed under Bible Studies, Shared Writing Ideas

Systematic Bible Studies

People have talked about four disciplines within theology: systematic, exegetic, historical, and practical. Exegesis is foundational as it draws “out” of Scripture while the other three are helpful by systematically discussing topics; recognizing worth in, and drawing upon, the historic church and theologians; and then focusing on proper application of God’s Word in pastoral care. Anyway, my dear husband had a stellar idea for systematic Bible studies.

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Filed under As Theological Writers, Bible Studies, Shared Writing Ideas

Deathbed Scenes

It’s been a weekend of ideas for me and I’m happy to share. I’d be really interested in reading more deathbed scenes written by Lutherans. In particular, it struck me that unbelievers, or even irregular attenders, may have no idea how wrenching it can be for a believer to watch death approach a loved one.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Writing Ideas