Playing around with this website reminds me a lot about the parts of writing and publishing I don’t care for. 🙂 Endless formatting issues. Rewrites & edits. An appearance of too many options with not quite enough knowledge to know one’s next step.
Tag Archives: writing process
Passion plus Thought
I’m going to park this article here so I can periodically reread it. I recommend you do the same. 🙂 The thesis is “Writing equals passion plus thought,” and I think that is a breath of fresh air compared to much of the pressure we writers may put on ourselves.
Filed under Writing Tips
Ruth Chinery and “Out of the Woods”
Let’s talk about something perfectly charming: a Lutheran eighth grader has published her first book! Out of the Woods looks like a charming read about an eleven year old who runs into the woods with her twin brother and gets lost. According to the back of the book, Ruth Chinery completed her first draft in fifth grade and now, five drafts and three years later, it’s published. Way to go! I may be a stranger, but I am so proud of your tenacity! That’s the way to do it: get it down, spend the time and energy, and then hold that book in your hands!
Filed under Books to Purchase, Uncategorized
Planners and Pantsers
Here’s an article that was sent to me a while back about “planners” and “pantsers” in the novel writing process, exploring how some authors plan while others prefer writing by the seat of their pants or other artistic impulse. But, while it’s an essay on how to write a novel, what I find additionally interesting is how many particular authors view(ed) the writing process, both planners and pantsers.
Filed under Inspiration