I’ve been excited about a particular idea for a while now, but I think it’s melding into something else. Something better.
I think melding is a good word for it. I’m broadening it out in a way that should make it a lot more palatable, marketable, etc. Unless someone has beaten me to it, which is always possible. 🙂
My initial nugget/obsession revolved around the Scriptural metaphor of milk and solid food corresponding to teaching. When I see it referenced, it’s often taken out of context, as though it were addressed to children. It isn’t. It’s talking about a real spiritual condition of believers.
To be more specific, it’s speaking about more than one spiritual condition of believers. There is joy and growth in the milk, as in Peter’s use of the term. There is the frustration of Paul, the spiritual need for solid food, and the spiritual condition that believers can fill themselves up on that which prevents processing solid food.
Interesting stuff. I’ve started some initial research, although I would very much appreciate any tips or recommendations you could through my way, too.
I’m torn about how much to say about the larger scope. If I thought I could write this real quick . . . but, man, life is full of pot holes and dirty dishes these days . . . .
That busyness with incidentals is just enough to keep my thoughts simmering on a back burner. Truth be told, it’s been harder to write lately. I’m not sure why. But I should be very thankful to God. Simmering has helped, and maybe, just maybe, I can serve the church with another non-fiction book for adults!
Our God is so gracious, working with seeds, letting them sprout, and extending fertilizer before expecting fruit. Soli Deo gloria.
By the way, I keep meaning to put some more time into the living Lutheran author page. I should try to categorize fiction into fiction with sub-genres. It just seems like a lot of things are on back burners these days!