Last week I told you about Lutheran author Alvin Franzmeier and how to get a free copy of the first in his Albert and Tillie Mystery Series, The Spiral Bridge. I jumped at the opportunity and today can offer my review.
The Spiral Bridge Review
Alvin Franzmeier has written an insightful piece set in 1930s small town Minnesota, following the perspective of a young one-room-schoolhouse teacher. I saw, in a totally new way, the charms and drawbacks of small town life, tensions between city- and farmfolk, the rise of Hitler (!), the struggles of “slower” children, etc. There was romance, mystery, intrigue, and some suspense. Still I hesitate to describe this book in terms of any one of them. Yes, it’s historical fiction, but since it is set in that time period . . . it’s a glimpse into the untold stories of my grandparents’ and great grandparents’ generations. It has some unexpected grit that keeps it down to earth, while allowing the reader to delight in a time and place gone by.
It’s a multi-genre piece that a wide variety of readers should enjoy. There are some extreme moments. This is not light reading for older children. But it isn’t a heartracing heartbreaker either. Ugliness and evil is exposed, but people remain people, if you know what I mean.
It was in many ways a lovely read. I read it in a day and put it down with many thoughts still swirling in my head. To me that’s a great sign! 🙂
Thank you, Alvin Franzmeier, for writing The Spiral Bridge! I will look forward to reading your other books as I am able! Especially to see what develops with Orville!