Wolf Time

While today’s post is primary a review of Lars Walker‘s Wolf TimeI’ll also mention something I found: a Top 100 Lutheran Blogs and Website list. I certainly recognized a number of bloggers on there (though, goodness, Lutheran blogging has changed over the past 10-20 years!!). I’m happily listed at 39, although maybe more of you Lutheran bloggers should apply to get on there. 🙂

Wolf Time Review

Lars Walker has a gift, weaving threads of a story together. Not only is he a colorful, imaginative writer, but he writes so that you can feel the vulnerabilities and strands as they pull, stretch, and snap.

What characters will become significant? What twists and images will be revealed? How can the author bring all these things together?! Yet he does! He really does!

I’m glad I could read this in just a setting or two, so I could take it all in, both overall and details. Well worth reading, and very satisfying, especially when in the mood for some intensity.

What I can call this book: near-future, religious dystopian; mythopoeia with norse crossover; provocative; pro-vocation; and, hopefully not but possibly prophetic fiction. 

The setting is our own, only further along its current leanings. But, while one won’t wonder long how the author must feel about our own modern issues, his cultural insinuations are accompanied by sympathetic characters. There is definitely darkness in this book, but you see the tensions of good people trying to do their best. And, that includes an atheist and a Lutheran pastor, trying living out Bible-based Christianity.

There are cultural, philosophical, and theological questions. And, while the author is certainly Christian, you will wonder just who the good and bad guys really will be! But the book is written in such a way that you’re left to wrestle with the questions rather than receive some insipid answer.

Good reading, and I look forward to reading more!!

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