I can’t seem to finish. I have articles I want to write on sort of family/ educational/ cultural stuff, and even projects on the very verge of completion! But, again, I can’t seem to finish. YET . . .
Some things have been brought to term. Such as my oldest. lol See what I did there? She who made me a mother turns 11 today! 😀 God bless us! I’m far from finished with her, of course, but I couldn’t resist the pun.
It also so happens that this week one of my more popular books, Family Vocation, is on a significant sale. If you have waited for any reason to buy this book, now is the time.
The Kindle version is on $3.99 and paperback $7.46. Both of those are serious reductions! So click away and order extra to give away at Christmas. 🙂
And when it feels like you aren’t finishing anything, well . . . there are probably conclusions and successes you just aren’t thinking of. After all, human perspective is not known for being optimistic, thorough, or particularly reliable.
Even better, Jesus finished what matters most! Thanks be to God!
Tomorrow’s a release day and God-willing I’ll get around to finishing some of my other drafts! 🙂 I’ll try to get up some good content for you this week. Maybe even onto LutheranHomeschool.com, too! Yay!
Happy reading & writing! And thanks be to God.