Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a good weekend. With in-laws and godparents visiting, I could hardly ask for more. I even got both quiet time and productive time! Gasp! Except, well, maybe there is one more thing I could ask for . . . a launch team for my upcoming book! Who’s with me?!
Spread the news! I am officially looking for members of my launch team. At this point, it will be for a book of Lutheran poetry, Ecclesial Poetry, Volume 1, but frankly I have several projects simmering away and, if desired, applying now will let team members reserve a spot for future teams, too.
What do you think? Want sneak peeks at the goodies I’ve been cooking up?
Here is how it will work. Apply for my launch team with this form:
Applications will be accepted until the group fills up.
When you’ve been accepted, you will receive a PDF of Ecclesial Poetry: Volume 1, along with an invitation to an exclusive Facebook launch team. (Actually, I’ll keep a current PDF on the Facebook page in case anyone offers endorsements and/or edits. Although it has been professionally edited already, so it should be in good shape.)
If you are a wordsmith yourself and act quickly enough, you will have the opportunity to add an endorsement to the book. Otherwise, please consider reading the book and, if you like it, share the release date, tell your family, friends (and pastors) about it, and review it wherever you are comfortable.
Whether poetry is your “thing” or not, gaining this book and joining the launch team is no risk at all. This book is not written for poetic connoisseurs, but for men, women, and children who would read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest Scripture however possible.
I have not set the publication date yet, but I’m thinking early to mid-October. And before you ask whether you have the time, we’re talking about a slim volume: a 6 x 9 inch book of just under 140 pages. Plus poetry isn’t exactly word-count heavy, if you know what I mean. Still I think there’s real substance to it and have been encouraged in no uncertain terms to offer it in book form. 🙂 So that’s encouraging!
Wishing you a most excellent day and even a chance to ponder some poetic meditations of biblical, Lutheran material!