Kindle Pre-Order

My Kindle pre-order is up and running for Trinity for Tots! I’m thrilled! Yay, yay, yay!

Now, I’ve learned a lot about self-publishing during this experience. The final lesson seems to be that you can’t pre-order author copies! <Sigh>  

Ok. Here’s the deal. Yes, I used Amazon/ KDP to self-publish. It’s been SUPER helpful and can’t beat the price. Still, I’d like to send business to stores and not just Therefore, the paperback version of Trinity for Tots will be released quietly on Amazon. Some stores (and an author and an illustrator!) will buy up a bunch of copies, and then, when books are in hand, we’ll spread news of the release & all the places Trinity for Tots is available. 

The Kindle version, however, will likely only be available through Amazon. Kindle Pre-order will last until April 28th (Wednesday) and then you can purchase it outright.

Costs are $3.99 for Kindle & $10.99 for paperback.

Now, this book is for littles and their families. If I were to include warnings, they would be these: 1) The Kindle version shows spreads instead of pages, so it may too small for a phone. 2) There is a picture of an infant being baptized. Obviously, Lutherans are fine with that, but surely the church at large benefits from a children’s book on the Trinity, too. 3) There is a picture of a traditional church with a robed pastor. 

Warnings? Perks? Who knows, but I want folks to know what they’re getting if they are interested in buying from me. 🙂

Questions? Feel free to ask. I’m happy to answer and ought to have plenty of time to this week.

Happy reading & writing! Please wish me well with this book & process! 

And, since I’m self-plugging anyway, here are links to all my currently available books. 😀 


1 Comment

Filed under My projects, New Release

One Response to Kindle Pre-Order

  1. marykuhlmannantholz

    God’s blessings on your new launch!

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