Last month there was an interesting new Lutheran release: Stewardship: For the Care of Souls. It’s part of Lexham Ministry Guides and yet another resource prepared under the guidance of Rev. Hal Senkbeil.
Hal Senkbeil is certainly a man whose books I recommend. My family has known him since waaaaaaaay back, and he’s a good and faithful man. He’s helped to reestablish an understanding and application of Seelsorger.
Anyway, for this book, Dr. Senkbeil served as an editor and the two authors are Nathan Meador and Heath Curtis. This is certainly a topic they know well and praise has been quite high for it:
“Pastors Nathan Meador and Heath R. Curtis provide a Christ-centered, pastoral guide to guiding souls from idolatry to joyful generosity.” –David Fleming, Ex Director of Doxolgy
“For the past twenty years there has been a growing movement toward recapturing the theology of the faithful steward for the body of Christ. Much of this work has focused on the para-church world. What has been missing is a winsome, robust, and biblically grounded resource specifically for pastors. Nathan Meador and Heath R. Curtis have now produced just such a resource.” R. Scott Rodin
“At its heart, Stewardship is about transformation. Nathan and Heath nail it. Finally, a thoughtful discussion focused on shepherding the hearts that make the decisions to fund churches and ministries all over the world.” Brent Halvorsen
As I understand it, Dr. Senkbeil is an author or editor for each of the Lexham Ministry Guides and I can’t help but expect each will be outstanding. 🙂
Consider Stewardship: For the Care of Souls, or one of the previous two in the series, for a pastor appreciation gift this Christmas.