Tag Archives: submission

Two Lutheran Valentine Poems

Happy Valentine’s Day. Here are two Lutheran Valentine poems I whipped up for the occasion, one from a wife, one from a husband. (We’ll also see if condensed versions score any votes at the Sister, Daughter, Mother, Wife‘s annual Valentine Contest.) And, whether you are wed or not, may you ponder the love of Christ for His Bride, the Church, even as it affects us everyday and is memorialized and active in God’s Word and Gifts, on this day and always.

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Filed under Contests, Poetry

When to Submit

“When to submit?” How is that for a loaded question these days? But, with pretty much only the weekend remaining, when is a good time to submit a piece of writing for a contest or deadline? Would “time to spare” make you second-guess yourself or present well-needed, hopefully well-earned, closure?

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