Lent is not a season of only Law. Lent is a time of both Law and Gospel. So, if you have already failed a Lenten discipline, I have good news for you. Jesus became Man, taking on our very flesh, to live the life we can’t and to die the death we have earned. To God, you are still wet with the waters of holy Baptism and you drip with the righteousness that only our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came give–or earn. In fact, the Holy Spirit grants you flowing rivers of living water. And, guess what? There are more Lent resources for 2018 to help immerse you in the gifts God has already given you.
This year, instead of New Year Resolutions or daily Lenten disciplines, I’m taking a different approach. You see, I’m not disciplined hoping to inch up my discipline. I’m a holy mess only sanctified by a very persistent, hard-working God.
When starting from scratch, anything is a start. 🙂 So, I have goals instead of resolutions. I have overarching plans instead of daily mandates. And, when I’ve fallen behind, rather than crucifying myself, I make time to catch up.
Daily Bible reading? Fail. But today I’ll catch up to date with the read the Bible in a year program I’m following.
Daily Lenten devotion? Fail. But I really appreciate the free Lenten Devotion material, “The Great Exchange,” offered by The Gospel Economist. I caught up yesterday . . . or so. See how this is working for me?
Apparently I live both cycles of repentance and forgiveness and times of scarcity and times of plenty.
So, looking for a beneficial way to remember Christ and all He has done for you? Here are some more Lent resources for 2018:
- Here is a website that offers a “LenTree” for George Herbert. Every day, ahem, “every day” you read one of (or part of) his poetry and benefit from his insights and piety, reveling in Scripture. George Herbert wasn’t Lutheran, but he is well worth reading.
- The CPH Music Department is also offering a Lenten Reading Plan 2018. They describe it saying, “Each day, we’ll focus on a new hymn stanza and the associated Scripture reading that inspired it.” Awesome!
- And, if you’re looking for a theological book to read, Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller never disappoints in the free digital reprints he offers. 🙂 His latest is A. L. Graebner’s Outlines of Doctrinal Theology. It’s the kind of book that you can read snippets and, if you print it out, keep your place with a post-it note. (Graebner was a seminary professor 1878 forward.)
Also, although this article may seem out of place in a discussion of Lent resources, I hope you see why I thought to include it: there’s more than one way to alter how sin affects perspective.
“This is What ‘Self-Care’ REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Salt Baths and Chocolate Cake“
Any others you’d like to share? 🙂 It isn’t too late!
Wishing you well and a very blessed Lent.

Hi, Mary! I meant to say after your first Lenten resources post, and forgot, that I have a series on my blog right now on the Gift of Repentance…mostly looking at what Scripture says about repentance; ie what it means, how it happens, how it’s a gift from God that leads to forgiveness…and some other stuff. 🙂