Many thanks to Rev. Andrew Richard for telling me about his latest resource: a church year calendar!
Remember Rev. Richard from my previous post about him and his free marriage booklet?
I’ll admit I hadn’t thought about using an actual calendar with the church year colors, but it makes a lot of sense. I love the premise that the church year is for Christians and, you know, not a just-at-church thing! I love how easily my kids will be able to recognize colors and the liturgical significance of the days!
Electronic files are freely available here or go to the Lulu page. (I’m not going to link directly to the Lulu because you should still go where the electronic files are so you see the sale information. Right? That’s how this blog rolls?)
PS. I’ll admit I’ve gotten behind on email. There are several I’ve received thanks to my dad blogging about me here, but I WILL get around to it! It just might be over the weekend or something. 🙂 Thanks for writing in!