Ladies & gentlemen, I’ve had a few ideas. First off, I’d like you to consider whether pandemic poetry could be a service you offer to others. If so, you may want in on this project: a bunch of Lutheran poets working to put together a book of original poetry to publish here & possibly even a book on Amazon.
I don’t see that I could pay anyone anything—I’ll say that up front—but I’ve already found that a little time to write has been cathartic and helpful in letting me, well, repent and focus once more on God and His merciful promises. This may be a time ripe for poetry.
I’m not narrow regarding poetic style. I often tend toward free verse myself. However, no cussing and nothing unnecessarily graphic. Christ? He can be bloody. But otherwise we want to call out with the psalmists, not alarmists. Fair? Hymns? Love them! But I may or may not figure out how to include musical notation.
For the rest of the week, I have reviews I should post. Kloria’s very powerful book, Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice, which I blogged about here, releases April 1st (Feel free to pre-order! It’s awesome!), so I’ll post about that again Wednesday, but I ALSO would love your help for a few other posts.
I’d LOVE to post a list of stellar Lutheran sermon books. Not books to help pastors preach, but books that families can gather around for some extra support during these trying times. Comment, contact me, whatever. Send me STELLAR suggestions, above reproach. 🙂
I’d also like to see whether you can suggest beautiful Holy Week & Easter music. You know, Bach Passions, Easter Oratorios, etc, because, if you’re like me, you’re going to need a fair dowsing of fine arts to cope with this . . . time of spiritual fasting affecting even Easter.
Got all that? I want:
- Poets, poetesses, and pandemic poetry!
- Titles or Names of lay-friendly Lutheran sermon books
- Music titles or links to performances for Holy Week & Easter.
If you want to do even more, throw additional Holy Week & Easter suggestions my way. Also, please spread the word about our possible poetry book!
One last thing. I promise. Kloria Publishing, which I love, is putting together one of those virtual choirs, singing “Christ, the Life of All the Living.” (I love that!!!) So if you want in on that action, go here. 😀