It’s another release day! Ok. Maybe it released yesterday, but Lutheran author Dangerosa Jones (yes, ha haa, a pen name) has released another novel: Lucky’s Girl.
Here’s the blurb from Amazon:
Who hasn’t had a personal life crisis during which they decided to go tend bar after moving far away from home? New friends, new challenges, new life. There’s nothing quite like telling life, “Here — hold my beer!” It’s a good thing she’s Lucky’s Girl.
Read the excerpt from the Look Inside feature and you’ll be hooked! See what it looks like to change everything in an effort to finally be yourself.
Sounds like a fun read to me! 🙂 Only 176 pages, so not even a big time commitment.
Let’s see. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’ve read both of Dangerosa Jones‘s other works:
- Alignment: A Love Story (Reviewed here)
- Domestic Horror Stories (What?! I haven’t reviewed that yet?!)
Now, Dangerosa Jones publishes through a publishing collected named Hundred Ton Press, so I also get to mention another book of theirs by a Lutheran author: The Color of Ordinary Time (reviewed here). 🙂
Yay for Lutherans writing and publishing despite how strained the last several years have been! Keep up the great work!