Category Archives: Thoughts to remember later


I found time to read a novel recommended by my mother-in-law. It’s called Unwritten by Charles Martin. He isn’t a Lutheran so I’m not reviewing the book here, but I enjoyed the read and was thinking about something he added to the end of the book about overwriting.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Thoughts to remember later

The Unspoken

Twice I’ve read a book with high expectations only to be disappointed. Ok, that’s happened many more times than twice, but twice I’ve read books highly recommended for how they portray God only to be disappointed. But I think I’ve figured it out. Liberals overly glorify two things: sex and the unspoken.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Thoughts to remember later

Are great things in store?

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll admit I’m starting to get kind of nervous. I’d hoped the Corona virus would be going away rather than obviously spreading. So I want to take a moment to ask you: Are great things in store?

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Filed under Thoughts to remember later

An Artist’s Prayer

First things first: read this. Then read what I have to say about an artist’s prayer.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Shared Article or Blog Post, Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later

Starting Over

The irony of starting over with this post after a storm interrupted me! But sometimes starting over seems to plague me. I try to get more steps in, but before I approach better shape it seems like I have to start over. Not a few times. All the time. I try to be better in my vocations and it’s the same way. Every school year. Every Lent or Advent. Et cetera.

Honestly, I can get pretty down because of it.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later, Writer's Life

Catching up

Ladies and gentlemen, I feel like it’s been AGES since I last blogged. There is so much I hope to remember and write! Be sure to stay tuned, this week especially! I’ll start catching up here with a little somber something from Australia, where I was visiting my sister and her precious family.

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Filed under Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later

Biblical perspective

Do you ever like to just chew on a perspective? If you’re in such a mood, then read this article by Rev. Wolfmueller. Then, apply it to advice writers are often given: “Show me, don’t tell me” or “Write from the heart.” Consider parallels and differences.

I hope to find time to do that myself. 😉

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later

Sabbath structure

I jotted down some notes from the other day to think about later. I’ll share them here in case Sabbath structure thoughts interest you. 🙂

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Filed under Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later

Free to Paraphrase Himself

Have I mentioned that my husband is brilliant? I respect and admire him in so many ways. His latest thought I have to share, although I daresay entire dissertations could be written about this thesis and its consequences: The Holy Spirit is free to paraphrase Himself as He sees fit.

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Filed under Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later