Category Archives: Giveaway

Ophelia, Alive

Today’s post is a review of Lutheran author Luke T. Harrington’s book, Ophelia, Alivewith some additional good news.

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Filed under Giveaway, Reviews

New Kind of Giveaway for The Oracles and the Jewels

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce a new kind of giveaway for The Oracles and the Jewels by Lutheran author Rev. C. S. Stanford. Here’s what I’m going to do . . . !

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Filed under Giveaway, Reviews

Wazzlewood Giveaway!

Let’s have a Wazzlewood Giveaway! Remember back to last November when I first reviewed Lutheran author Tyrel Bramwell‘s children book, The World of the WazzlewoodsWell, it’s time for me to get it out again as one of my recommended books for the CPH Reading Challenge.

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Filed under Giveaway

Sculptor Spirit, Resources, and a Giveaway

Ok. Today I want to tell you about a recent release, a bunch of free resources, and a giveaway! The new book is Sculptor Spirit: Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology by Rev. Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez, and it sounds intriguing and unlike any other theological book I’ve heard about!

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Filed under Giveaway, New Release, Resource

Free Book – Juvenile Fantasy

Hey! There’s a great free book on kindle for your kids right now, written by a Lutheran! Remember last summer when I reviewed A Hero’s Curse? (That review is here, btw.) I sure enjoyed it and now you and your family can too, and so easily! Written for middle schoolers, but clean enough for younger (strong) readers, while being interesting enough for YA and young at heart. 🙂 

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Filed under Giveaway

The Messengers: Revealed

Today I review Lutheran author and editor Lisa Clark‘s final installment of The Messengers: Revealedas well as announce a giveaway winner. 🙂

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Filed under Giveaway, Reviews

Baughman Giveaway

Ok. I’ve closed the Bo Giertz Giveaway and have sent out an email to those who entered. (Let me know if that failed somehow.) Now, on to a Sarah Baughman Giveaway! This Lutheran author has graciously offered a free copy of  A Flame in the Darknessa solid and satisfying book set in Wittenberg during the Reformation. I reviewed it here. I really enjoyed it!

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Filed under Giveaway, Marketing

Bo Giertz Giveaway


I’m happy to offer a Bo Giertz Giveaway! You probably know Giertz best from his Lutheran novel, The Hammer of God. Happily for us all Rev. Bror Erickson, an LCMS pastor serving in New Mexico, has recently translated Giertz’s Romans: A Devotional Commentary!

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Filed under Devotional, Giveaway